We are excited, that Monon e.U. has gotten the possibility to participate in the ERASMUS + funded project YouLEAD In Macedonia. The project is coordinated by Marketing Gate and is working on the topic of the sustainable development goals and social media marketing with a paricular focus on using social media through smart phones.

Trainings camp in Macedonia

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Mahatma Ghandi

From 13 - 21.4 the kick-off-trainings camp was held in Struga, Macedonia for all partners.

Inge holding a worksop on the topic: "How to make an animated video with Videoscribe?".

We were invited to design 2 workshops in this week. On day 3 and 4 we have conducted a sustainability & social business workshop. In these 2 days the participants first learned more about sustainability and the systemic connections between ecological, economical and social phenomena and then have developed a social business plan for a social problem in their hometown. On the last day - Sunday - I held another spontaneous workshop on the software VideoScribe.

International exchange

Denise, Inge and Viviana with our Nepalese colleagues from VHS Bhaktapur on the new bridge in Struga.

An important aspect of these meetings is also the cultural exchange, networking and getting to know a different perspective and way of working. We became participants through the VHS Bhaktapur, one of our partner organizations, which has already taken part in a project in Macedonia twice. Also, this time our friends from the VHS Bhaktapur (Nepal) will be represented, we will also work together with people from Germany, Greece, Poland, Australia, Bulgaria, Macedonia itself, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan - from whom we have heard a lot.

What is happening next?

We have already uploaded a complete project description here. Now we are back in Austria and will work in the next weeks on questions related to the planned app and develop infographics for 2 sustainable development goals. In September, representatives of Monon will travel to the second Youth Worker Mobility in Macedonia to close down the program.

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