envisioning a
Company and material for change makers
our special areas
We offer trainings, workshops and consultation on ...
Regenerative Society

When talking about sustainability one often has the feeling, that it would be best, to not exists. Let's put an end to being less bad! When we have regenerative societies and organizations, we don't need to feel bad about our consumption. Rather, we strengthen in a creative, entrepreneurial and solidary way nature and our communities.

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Systemic Thinking

Recognizing patterns, where others only see non-dependent events. Once you are able to master that step, you will be excited about the new perspectives and solutions, which pop up and your deepened understanding of the dynamics you can observe in your family as well as in global politics.

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social business (2)
Social Business

Creating positive impact on society and nature can be cost covering. Entrepreneurship can foster positive change. When running a social business, the impact is the prior reason for existence ... still, it operates on business acumen and innovative products and services. 

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monetary System
Our contemporary monetary and financial system has essential systemic shortcomings. Yet there is hope. Many visionaries have thought about solutions and are implementing experimental spaces in which we can learn and experience how different systems are creating different results. Once you have understood the power of the monetary system, you have understood one central leverage point for so many challenges.
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For 5 years I have been living and working in Nepal, so I know: Doing projects in a distant country can be challenging. I support and advice NGOs and people who engage themselves in working in Nepal

Projekte in einem weit entfernten Land durchzuführen, kann oft eine Herausforderung sein. Viele Jahre habe ich in Nepal in Bildungsbereich sowie der Start-Up Szene gewirkt und bin bis heute noch eng mit vielen innovativen Organisationen und Personen verbunden.

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Keine Angst mehr vor Komplexität. Akzeptieren wir die Komplexität unserer
Gesellschaft und der natürlichen
Prozesse eöffnen sich neue Perspektiven! Wir können Veränderungen gleichzeitit
MITgestalten und geschehen lassen und es eröffnen sich ungeahnte Perspektiven ....
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